Pregunta typeface

Mil M2 is a collective creating actions that activate critical reflections. They explore different methods of intervening both public space and the frontiers between the collective and the private.
One of their actions is the Proyecto Pregunta [Question Project], which they have been developing since 2014, you can read about it here.

Pregunta is an only caps monospaced typeface family of three style variants: Pregunta Regular, Pregunta Marco & Pregunta Marco Negro. Developed on behalf of the MilM2 collective for use in the Proyecto Pregunta.

The work consisted in the digitalisation and typographic systematisation based on the hand lettering used by MilM2 for the actions of the Question Project. The lettering was based on Helvetica and the digital drawing maintains the hand-drawn quality of the lettering.

The design and development of the digital typeface Pregunta, meant an important optimization for the production of work material for each action of the Question Project, since they have made a large number of interventions in many cities around the world and in different languages.

Mil M2 developed a mini site to generate questions and download a PDF for printing, using the Webfonts of Pregunta. VISIT THE SITE

Pregunta typeface was developed and manufactured by Quintana-Font Foundry during August and September 2020. The fonts were worked on by: Javier Quintana and Luis Romanque on typeface design, and Guido Ferreyra on font post-production.
We worked together with Constanza Carvajal, Fernando Portal, and Pedro Sepúlveda from Mil M2, whom we thank for trusting in our work.
All pictures of Question Project actions are courtesy of Mil M2.